Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cross Channel Marketing Week 2

*Remember to subscribe to the "Posts" on the left of this page for updates

Developing an In-house Coaching Library
People development or career planning is always a touchy subject for senior management in the hospitality sector. The usual answer I get is that “there is no money for “training” (which term I prefer to use for dogs!) - anyway people leave so it's a waste of money”. I can understand this reaction as the hospitality sector has always been very transient. My solution to this is to use online free resource, like TED videos, YouTube videos, webinars and slide presentations. So throughout this tutorial we will put together an inhouse programme for you and your staff- your own “coaching library”.

Introduction to Social Media
Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein also define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content."[1] Businesses also refer to social media as consumer-generated media (CGM). A common thread running through all definitions of social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value.

Just click on the above link

Please file this page located on the right of this blog "pages" week 2 in the “training” folder, on your computer, which you should have opened as per Week 1 tutorial.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cross Channel Marketing for Hospitality Week 1

Cross Channel Sales and Marketing Strategy - Week 1

* Subscribe to the "Posts" to the left of this page to ensure you get updates.
* Print out the work page to the right of this column under "pages" for Week 1

Open a file -print out this page, as some information needs to be written on it, which we will use at a later stage.

Gather all of your printed collateral into one place and review it for consistency of brand, updated info and contact details. Make changes for the next print run so that the same mistakes do not appear – for future printing add QR codes.
To design your QR code go to INVX All you have to do is type your info such as website URL into the box provided, decide on the colour scheme and size. Copy the QR code as an image file. This can then be given to your printer for inclusion on all future print material. Watch the demo to understand how QR codes may be used.

Open a folder on your computer with the above title “Cross Channel Sales and Marketing Strategy”. Open sub-folders; Social Media, Digital Media, Website, UserNames, Analysis, Training

What did you spend on sales and marketing in 2010?
What ROI (return on investment) did you get, e.g. for each €/$/£ spent – was it 2:1, 5:1. If you find it difficult to answer this don't feel alone! Take your ad and marketing spend – divide it into your nett turnover and work on that ratio for the moment. Not at all scientific but we will get there for 2011.

What will you spend on sales and marketing in 2011?
What ROI do you expect?

What is the Average Occupancy Rate for your peer group?
What is your Average Occupancy Rate?

What is the Average Room Rate for your peer group?
What is your Average Room Rate?

What is your Average Daily Rate for your peer group?
What is your Average Daily Rate?

What is your ADR, ARR, Occupancy forecast for 2011?
What is your budgeted turnover for 2011?
What is your nett projected profit/loss?

Ascertain if you have Google Analytics set up on your website. Go to your website → View → Page Source → Edit → Find ….. Google-Analytics. If you are not able to do this speak to your Webmaster and ask them to set it up for you if it is not already in place. View the Google Analytics Tour to understand it's importance.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sales/Elevator Pitch

The concept of the "elevator pitch" is simple - you should be able to speak to a stranger in a lift and by the time the lift gets to the top floor, have introduced yourself, and your business in a positive and memorable way.  As the saying goes- "you get one chance to make a good first impression".  

People who do this with apparent ease generally have it very well rehearsed.  You too, need to get your sales pitch perfect.  I have been researching this for some time and have come to the conclusion that nobody does it better than TV ads.  The perfect television ad does what we all need to do when networking our business.  There is generally a mix of components covering;  Who, What, Where, When, Why, How.  These can be arranged in different sequences but what is important is to cover the benefits of doing business with you and a call to action.  There is so much noise out there at the moment that if you don't get them to commit NOW, the next person offering a similar service or product with a call to action may close the sale which you have opened for your competitor.  Watch the ads and make some notes.  Certain brands like BMW, Lexus, Apple will focus very much on luxury, aspirations, a "you have arrived" message.  Others will focus on price, discount - "buy today or before a certain date" - very strong call to action.  Some will emphasise a need that they meet - as good as their competitors AND Cheaper - UPC vs SKY would be an example of this. There are also those who use scare and guilt tactics - insurance/pensions industry would be an example of this. Personally, I think giving people a feel good factor rather than a feeling of guilt is a nicer way of doing business.

Once you have decided on what your Unique Sales Proposition is - what gives you added value in your line of business, what makes you special, it is important to make people aware of it. So write it down - Who are You, What do you do, Why should I buy from you, How, When and Where can I buy from you.  This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your business.  If you find people need to ask you a lot of questions about your business - answers to which you thought were obvious - then your sales pitch is wrong.  Review it, rewrite a couple and test them on friends and family.  Would love to get your comments on any particular sales pitch that you believe to be brilliant.  Leave a comment below please.